Mufti Muneeb rejects govt claims TLP demanded French embassy closure

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| Cleric says liberals were crying about state writ but opposed Lal Masjid operation later

2021-11-02T05:44:59+05:00 OUR STAFF REPORT

Hopefully, TLP  will not hold protest or sit-in in future after agreement: Farrukh Habib

KARACHI/ISLAMABAD   -  Renowned religious  scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman on Monday rejected the reports that the banned Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) had demanded the expulsion of the French ambassador and the closure of the embassy.

Addressing a press conference in Karachi, he said that lies were spoken on television channels about the talks with the TLP and claims were made that they had demanded the expulsion of the French ambassador, the closure of the embassy and to break ties with the European Union. “This was a blatant lie," the cleric said. 

Last week, Interior Minister Sh Rashid while addressing a press conference claimed that the government was ready to accept all demands of the banned TLP But would not shutdown French embassy or expel the ambassador. 

Mufti Muneeb along with other leading clerics facilitated talks between the government and the proscribed group, helping both sides reach an agreement after an impasse of three weeks. He said that liberals were crying about the writ of the state, similar to what had happened during the Lal Masjid operation in 2007.

"Till 12 at night they talked about the writ of the state, but when the unfortunate operation took place they opposed it," he said, branding such people as the enemies of the government.

Meanwhile, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Farrukh Habib on Monday said that after the peace agreement between the government and banned organization Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), hopefully they would not hold  protest or sit-in in the future. 

There was two ways for the government to hold the dialogue or conflict with the protesters but the regime had chosen the right way to hold the result oriented dialogue to address the issue.

Talking to a private news channel, he said that peace was the first priority of the government but some elements were interested to create the panic behind the protests.

The minister said that the prime minister was interested to hold the talks to prevent the bloodshed and more conflicts with protesters. 

The government was wanted to create a peaceful environment but some elements were interested to create uncertainty which had not good for the country's development and national economy, he added.

The minister said the main objective of the incumbent government to promote peace and interfaith harmony. He said that all stakeholders had played a great role to hold the talks with TLP in decent way to resolve the issue and fulfill the fair demands of protesters.

To a question, the minister said that due the global inflation, Pakistan was badly affected but the government had decided to provide the maximum relief to the people.

The government was reviewing the support price of wheat and sugarcane to encourage the farmers and control the price hike, he added. Farrukh said that the whole world was appreciating the best efforts of Pakistan regarding the tree plantation.

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