Omani Royal Navy chief visits Pak Navy HQ

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2023-03-03T05:10:26+05:00 Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD    -     Commander of Royal Navy of Oman Rear Admiral Saif Bin Nasser Bin Mohsin Al Rahbi Called on Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi at Naval Headquarters, here on Thursday.

According to a press release issued by the Paki­stan Navy officials, upon arrival at the Naval Head­quarters, the commander of Royal Navy of Oman was received by the Naval chief. During the meet­ing matters of mutual interest, regional securi­ty situation and scope of military cooperation in­cluding defence, training and security between the two countries were discussed.

The Naval chief highlighted Pakistan Navy’s initia­tives for ensuring maritime security and peace in the region through regional maritime security patrols. The Naval chief thanked the dignitary on Oman Na­vy’s participation in the recently held AMAN-23 na­val exercise at Karachi. The visiting dignitary lauded Pakistan Navy’s efforts and commitments in support of collaborative maritime security in the region. It is expected that the recent visit of the commander of the Royal Navy of Oman will further enhance bilater­al collaboration between the two countries in gener­al and navies in particular, said PN officials.

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