United We Stand, Divided We Fall

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“United we stand, divided we fall” – a simple phrase that resonates deeply when spoken in rhythm. If asked to choose between the two halves, most would opt for the first. But I see it differently. As a reader with an active imagination, I perceive things in varied ways, considering every cause and effect.

To illustrate this, let me share an analogy that popped into my mind while brainstorming. It involves a lion that hunts alone and a wolf that hunts in a pack.

Consider the lion first. When young, he roams the African savannah with the belief that he is king of the jungle, hunting and ruling on his own. No one dares challenge him; he has power, dominance, and the pride of a ruler. But time spares no one. Eventually, the same hyenas he once scattered with a single roar start circling, waiting for his strength to fade. In the end, he becomes prey to those who were once his prey – a striking example of karma.

In contrast, the wolf embodies a different mentality. He moves in a pack, believing in unity and the strength that comes from working together. Each wolf plays a role, and united, they can hunt, defend, and face any challenge together. No predator is more formidable than a pack of wolves working in harmony.

Isn’t this a fitting illustration of the two phrases? Some might assume the lion’s ending is worse than the wolf’s, but that’s a misunderstanding. Both scenarios come with their own cause and effect, pros and cons.

For the lion, the price of ruling alone is a shorter life, but one lived as a king. He enjoys absolute freedom, unchallenged in his territory, with no need to share his spoils. On the other hand, the wolf may live longer, but must share the hunt, follow a hierarchy, and sacrifice personal freedom for the strength of the pack.

Thus, there’s always another side to every story. What you perceive as the truth may just be one perspective. Always seek the other side of the coin.



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