A true Muslim

A true Muslim is the one who abides by the Commandments of Allah in letter and spirit without really daring to defy them. In the light of the above definition of a true Muslim, can I now still claim that I am a true Muslim? I tell lies frequently on a daily basis. I believe in dishonesty, cheating and corruption in my daily routine matters. I indulge myself in wine and wayward activities. I charge interest from the persons to whom I give loans. I usurp wilfully the rights of both Almighty Allah and His created human beings. I believe in feuds and killing of innocent persons for my vested interests. I believe in greed and materialistic approach, etc. If I am involved in all sorts of the above referred vices, then I must say that I am not a true Muslim. I am a Muslim in name only and not by my actions. In other words, we are Muslims by name only and have considerably failed to perform all our mundane and religious activities according to the professed and written teachings of Islam. Since Allama Iqbal had lived in the West during his studies there i.e England and Germany, he had closely watched the system and way of life of Westerners. On his return to the sub-continent after the completion of his studies, he said that In West I saw Islam but no Muslims and in East, I found Muslims but no Islam. Merely taking birth in a Muslim family and holding a pure Muslim name do not give a green signal to a person for calling himself/herself a true Muslim. For being the same, we all have to fulfil all the Commandments of Almighty Allah pertaining to this world and the Hereafter. I pray to Almighty Allah that good sense prevail and we start living our lives according to the path that has been shown to us by Almighty Allah and His last Messenger Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). ABDUL SAMAD SAMO, Karachi, October10.

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