First-ever concessional green banking on-lending facility of $54.2m signed between BOP, AFD

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2024-10-16T06:17:32+05:00 PR

LAHORE  -  The Bank of Punjab (BOP) has suc­cessfully arranged a long term For­eign Currency (FCY) On-lending Facility of $ 54.2 million (credit facility) from AgenceFrançaise de Développement (AFD), the French state development finance agency.

This credit facility is intended for onward lending to climate adapta­tion and mitigation projects and activities in Pakistan. In addition to the credit facility, AFD is also pro­viding BOP a grant facility of EUR 675 thousand to support a techni­cal assistance program. This con­cessional credit facility marks the first-ever FCY facility arranged by any commercial bank specifically tied to climate financing in Paki­stan. Additionally, this collabora­tion represents the collaboration between AFD and BOP, the only Pakistani commercial bank, making it a significant milestone for both the institutions.

BOP was chosen as a partner bank by AFD following a rigorous selection process spanning almost two years and the facility repre­sents the first step of a long term strategic partnership between the two institutions. The success­ful close of the facilities was com­memorated at a signing ceremony at AFD’s head office in Paris, where the formal agreements were exe­cuted by Cyrille Bellier, AFD Direc­tor for Europe, Middle East & Asia, and Umer Khan, Head Investment Banking, BOP. The ceremony was also attended by Naeem Javid, Head Project Finance, BOP, along with se­nior representatives from AFD.

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