Bravo South Africa

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The United Nations, often seen as the bedrock of international cooperation, has encountered significant challenges in addressing the Israel-Gaza conflict.

2024-01-17T06:06:44+05:00 Dr Asif Channer

In the hallowed halls of the UN In­ternational Court of Justice (ICJ), the world has been presented with damning evidence of what South Af­rica has termed a “livestreamed genocide” in Gaza. The allega­tions against Israel are not merely accusations; they are a haunting narrative of chill­ing intent, full awareness of civilian casualties, and what South Africa describes as “grave violence and genocidal acts.”

As the case unfolds in The Hague, the evidence presented by South Africa is staggering. Photos of Palestinian mass graves, Israeli flags amidst the wreck­age in Gaza, and videos allegedly de­picting Prime Minister Benjamin Ne­tanyahu endorsing genocide paint a grim picture. The atmosphere outside the court is febrile, reflecting the grav­ity of the situation.

South African lawyers argue that Is­rael’s actions reveal a pattern of con­duct and intention justifying a plausi­ble claim of genocidal acts. The scale of destruction in Gaza, the intention­al targeting of civilians, and the war’s impact on children collectively point to an articulated intent to destroy Pal­estinian life. The evidence presented goes beyond mere military operations and accuses Israel of inflicting bodily and mental harm, displacement, dehy­dration, starvation, and an assault on the healthcare system.

The South African legal team em­phasizes that genocides are never de­clared in advance, yet the evidence over the past 13 weeks paints an over­whelming and incontrovertible pic­ture of genocidal intent. The stakes are high, and South Africa urges the judges to order an immediate ceasefire.

What is perhaps equally troubling is the criminal silence enveloping the world in the face of these severe alle­gations. As the ICJ witnesses the un­folding of what could be a landmark case, the major powers and interna­tional players seem hesitant to con­front the issue head-on. The absence of a swift and unified response raises profound questions about the commit­ment of these nations to human rights and global peace.

The Muslim world’s response, or lack thereof, is particularly notable. The ge­nius act of genocide in Gaza should have triggered a robust and collective stance from Muslim-majority nations. However, the perceived poor response highlights the challenges of achieving meaningful solidarity within the Mus­lim world during times of crisis.

The Arab League and the Organiza­tion of Islamic Cooperation symbolic support neither showed effective re­sponse by themselves nor diverting in­ternational attention to this grave situ­ation, is highly objectionable thus is a big question mark.

The ICJ’s role in this matter is cru­cial. Unlike the International Criminal Court, the ICJ tries states, not individ­uals. South Africa’s plea for provision­al measures, aiming to reach a deci­sion as soon as possible, adds urgency to the proceedings. An adverse ruling for Israel could increase political pres­sure and potentially serve as a ratio­nale for sanction.

In this dire moment, the interna­tional community must reflect on its commitment to justice, human rights, and the prevention of atrocities. The allegations against Israel demand a transparent and impartial investiga­tion, with major powers taking re­sponsibility for their role in ensur­ing global peace. The world cannot afford to remain silent in the face of what South Africa contends is a livestreamed genocide. Seeking the truth and holding those responsible accountable is not just a legal impera­tive but a moral obligation for the in­ternational community.

Moreover, in the 21st century, the ongoing Israeli genocide and ethnic cleansing of innocent Palestinian serve as a poignant symbol of global indiffer­ence and political inertia in the face of a protracted humanitarian crisis. The International Court of Justice’s recent hearing on South Africa’s allegations of Israeli genocide in Gaza brought to light the chilling evidence of intention­al destruction and violence, yet ma­jor political powers and global players have failed to mount a united and im­pactful response.

The United Nations, often seen as the bedrock of international cooperation, has encountered significant challeng­es in addressing the Israel-Gaza con­flict. The Security Council’s recurring deadlock reflects the geopolitical com­plexities that hinder collective action, allowing powerful nations to strategic alliances over moral imperatives. This not only raises questions about the ef­ficacy of global institutions but also perpetuates the suffering of the Pales­tinian people.

Similarly, the Muslim world, with its substantial geopolitical influence and cultural ties to the Palestinians, has not lived up to expectations in provid­ing a cohesive response. The absence of a united front among Muslim-major­ity nations underscores the limitations of regional alliances in addressing hu­manitarian crises.

Moreover, major powers, tradition­ally champions of human rights, have not exerted sufficient pressure on Isra­el to halt its actions. The reluctance to hold Israel accountable may be influ­enced by geopolitical considerations, economic interests, or strategic alli­ances, revealing a moral vacuum in global politics.

Despite advancements in communi­cation and information dissemination, the plight of the Palestinians appears overlooked or intentionally sidelined by the international community. Social media platforms, catalysts for raising awareness, have not translated into ef­fective diplomatic pressure or tangible actions to protect the vulnerable pop­ulation in Gaza.

As the world witnesses the horri­fying evidence of genocidal acts, the question arises: How can the interna­tional community, armed with evolved conflict resolution mechanisms, re­main complacent in the face of such atrocities? The failure to address the ongoing crisis not only perpetuates the suffering of the Palestinian people but also undermines the credibility and ef­fectiveness of global institutions.

In conclusion, the criminal silence and inadequate response from major political powers and global players in the 21st century paint a grim picture of the state of international affairs. The Palestinian genocide and ethnic cleansing demand urgent and concert­ed efforts from the international com­munity to uphold the principles of jus­tice, human rights, and peace. The failure to act decisively not only deep­ens the humanitarian crisis in Gaza but also raises concerns about the moral compass guiding global governance in the contemporary world.

Dr Asif Channer
The writer is a Public Health professional and freelance columnist. He can be contacted at dremergencybwp

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