SCO Leadership

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Sitting as the chair of the 23rd meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s Council of Heads of Governments at the Jinnah Convention Center in Islamabad, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif presented a commanding presence, surrounded by leaders from around the world. As anticipated by citizens across the nation, the Prime Minister delivered a compelling speech addressing the multifaceted crises facing the region. He covered a wide range of issues, from trade and connectivity to energy and infrastructure projects, counter-terrorism, military cooperation, and the prospect of shared currencies and independent SCO-run financial institutions. His remarks encapsulated the hopes of many in the region for these countries to move beyond the binary roles imposed by the global hegemonic struggle between superpowers, a struggle that has kept them in an unwanted state of conflict from which they seek to escape.

Beyond expressing the desire to unite a region historically divided by external forces, Prime Minister Sharif also outlined a vision of a connected Eurasia. The lands at the heart of the SCO—the Eurasian steppe, the Iranian plateau, and the nations bordering this vast region—once served as the cradle of civilizations that thrived through trade and cultural exchange. Pakistan shares deep historical linkages not only with South Asia but also with Iran, China, and Afghanistan, connected through this extensive land bridge that ties them all together.

This vision is one of shared ancestry, shared history, and a shared future. It extends beyond immediate needs, positioning the SCO as the culmination of long-standing historical trends. It is hoped that this significant speech will serve as a guiding principle for the Pakistani government in managing its regional relations and that the Pakistani delegation will continue to push all participants towards realising this collective vision.

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