KU seminar urges creating awareness for protecting ozone layer, environment

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2024-09-17T12:11:11+05:00 NEWS WIRE

KARACHI   -   Vice Chancellor of the Univer­sity of Karachi Professor Dr Kha­lid Mahmood Iraqi on Monday said every one in society should know the importance of a clean and healthy environment and its effect on human life and all liv­ing things, and they must play their role in improving the en­vironment in our surroundings. He was addressing the seminar organized by the KU Landscape and Gardening Council in col­laboration with the KU’s Insti­tute of Environmental Studies on the World Ozone Day under the theme of ‘Ozone for Life, Plant More Trees, Reduce Air Condi­tioners’ at the IES.

He said that we have to create awareness among the masses about the need to protect the ozone layer and the environ­ment for the future of our gen­erations. The KU VC Professor Dr Khalid Iraqi mentioned that clean drinking water is essen­tial for a healthy life because it cures many diseases.

He said that nowadays science and technology-based knowl­edge is the backbone of the so­cial and economic development of any nation, and those nations who have realized its impor­tance are advanced in the world.

On this occasion, an environ­mentalist Syed Mosuf Ali gave a detailed presentation on the importance of ozone and its impact on environmental pollu­tion, saying that the loss of sun­light to the earth is due to the emission of chlorofluorocar­bons from greenhouse gases.

He mentioned that ozone, the protective layer that protects us from harmful rays, is damaged, due to which the earth’s temper­ature is increasing rapidly.

The KU Director of the Of­fice of Research Innovation and Commercialization Dr Syeda Hoor-Ul-Ain advised that every­one should adopt at least one plant and take good care till it becomes a well-grown tree to contribute to the healthy en­vironment. Other speakers in­cluding environmentalist Nasar Usmani, the KU Secretary LSG Dr Waqar Ahmad, and the KU Director IES Dr Muhammad Far­rukh Nawaz explain different methods and practices to protect and improve the ozone layer and environment. The International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is celebrated every year on September 16, and it was designed by the United Nations General Assembly.


The Karachi University Phar­macy Science Club on Monday arranged its first science fair at the new building of the faculty of pharmacy. The event attracted students from various universi­ties across Karachi who partici­pated and showcased their in­novative products and scientific projects, all aimed at solving re­al-world problems and contrib­uting to societal well-being.

Speakers mentioned that it was significant in nurturing the next generation of innovators and researchers. With a focus on healthcare, environmental sustainability, and technological advancements, the students’ in­novations contribute directly to improving society, the event pro­vides a window into the future of science and technology, inspiring new ideas and fostering collabo­ration across institutions.

KU Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Professor Dr Muham­mad Harris Shoaib inaugurated the daylong event, and along with the faculty, engaged with the students explored their groundbreaking projects, and underscored the importance of research in the field of health sci­ences. In addition, guest speak­ers and a panel of esteemed judges were present, offering valuable insights and feedback to the participants.

The fair featured a variety of categories, showcasing the di­verse talent of students. Among these, the “Pharmaceutical Sci­ences Category” stood out, comprising three specialized sub-categories. The technology sub-category was meticulously evaluated by Dr Zaad Hashmi and Yamna Majid, whose keen insights into technological ad­vancements helped spotlight projects with the potential to revolutionize the field.

Management Science projects were evaluated by Dr Zaad Hash­mi. Also, the category of Comput­er Sciences was swiftly judged by Usman Amjad who witnessed ideas of some innovative models.

The Formulation sub-catego­ry was judged by Dr Talha Us­mani, Dr Jibran Khan, and Dr Mahwish Fatima, who assessed each project based on its inno­vation, and practicality.

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