Modern Library in the Capital

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I wish to draw the attention of the Chairman CDA, Secretary Education, and Cabinet Secretary to the need for a modern public li­brary near Rose and Jasmine Gar­den, Islamabad. Although the Na­tional Library is located near the P.M Secretariat, it is difficult for the general public to access due to the area’s sensitivity. The library in the Community Centre, Aabpa­ra, is in poor condition, despite once being well-maintained.

We now live in a digital age, and there is a dire need for a state-of-the-art library in the Rose and Jas­mine Garden area. This location is already rich in sports and cultural activities, with the Lok Virsa Muse­um, Pak-China Centre, and Sports Complex nearby. Allocating space for a modern library in this hub of activity would be an excellent step.

This library should be open to all—students, children, and se­nior citizens—from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and beyond. A modern library in such a beautiful, natural environment would attract peo­ple of all ages and backgrounds to the world of books.



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