SAP Innovation Day highlights AI-driven business solutions

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2024-09-17T11:07:03+05:00 APP

KARACHI   -  SAP, the global leader in enter­prise software solutions, hosted its highly anticipated SAP Inno­vation Day, centered around the theme Better Business Trans­formation with SAP Business AI. The event showcased the conver­gence of cutting-edge technology and future-proof insights, align­ing seamlessly with Pakistan’s ambitious future trajectory.

The SAP Innovation Day high­lighted the transformative power of artificial intelligence in business, drawing together an impressive array of industry titans, thought leaders, and seasoned profession­als from diverse sectors. This col­laborative platform facilitated the exchange of invaluable insights, proven best practices, and inspir­ing success stories of AI-enabled business transformations.

A prerecorded talk by Syed Babar Ali, the respected philan­thropist, Founder of Packages Limited and LUMS, was the high­light of the event. Commenting on the scope of technology in business, he said “Technology has enabled managers to become good managers, they make bet­ter business decisions based on logic and facts. SAP understands your business needs in an eco­nomical way, your investment in SAP systems is just a small frac­tion of the profits you can make if you use technology properly.”

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