Pakistan takes lead against Islamophobia

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2024-03-18T08:50:38+05:00 SHAFQAT ALI

ISLAMABAD  -  Pakistan is taking a lead against the inter­national is­sue of Islamophobia, highlighting the real peaceful image of Islam.

Pakistan is making efforts to explore the concealed anti-Islam agenda by examining the ways in which Islam and Muslims are portrayed and denounced. As Paki­stan takes up the issue at the global forums, Islam­abad emphasizes the need for interfaith communi­ty interaction as a means to decrease religious con­flicts and foster mutu­al understanding. Yester­day, Pakistan welcomed the recent adoption of the United Nations Gener­al Assembly resolution ti­tled ‘Measures to Com­bat Islamophobia’ with a sense of urgency and im­portance. This resolution, presented on behalf of the Organization of Islam­ic Cooperation (OIC), rep­resents a significant mile­stone in the global fight against the rising tide of Islamophobia. Against the backdrop of escalating in­cidents of discrimination, violence, and incitement against Muslims world­wide, this resolution holds immense significance for Pakistan and the broader Muslim community. The adoption of this resolu­tion could not have come at a more critical juncture. In recent years, there has been a disturbing surge in Islamophobic incidents globally. From the desecra­tion of the Holy Quran to attacks on mosques, sites, and shrines, the manifesta­tions of anti-Muslim senti­ment have been alarming­ly frequent. The General Assembly’s condemnation of these acts, as outlined in the resolution, under­scores the gravity of the situation. The General As­sembly’s resolution un­equivocally condemns the incitement to discrimi­nation, hostility, or vio­lence against Muslims. It highlights the urgent need for member states to take concrete legisla­tive and policy measures to combat religious intol­erance, negative stereo­typing, hatred, incitement to violence, and actual vi­olence targeting Muslims. These measures are not just symbolic, they are a call to action for nations to actively address the root causes of Islamopho­bia within their societies.

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