Why a Strong Pakistan Matters?

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The global fight against terrorism heavily depends on Pakistan’s active participation and cooperation.

2024-07-19T07:54:12+05:00 Brigadier (R) Haris Nawaz

The significance of Pakistan on the global stage cannot be overstated. As a nation strategically located at the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East, its stability and prosperity are not just regional imperatives but global necessities. The importance of a stable and economically vibrant Pakistan spans various dimensions, including regional stability, Counter-Terrorism, Economic Potential, Global Energy routes, and Nuclear Security. This article delves into why a strong Pakistan is crucial for Global/Regional interests, highlighting the multifaceted benefits that a stable and prosperous Pakistan can offer to the world.

Pakistan is a pivotal player in South Asia, a region often characterized by its complex and tense geopolitical landscape. The historical rivalry between Pakistan and India has been a persistent source of regional instability which is primarily due to Indian hegemonic design and consider Pakistan a stumbling bloc but not realizing Pakistan is a Nuclear Sovereign State having regional implications. Both nations, possessing nuclear capabilities, have engaged in multiple conflicts, and any escalation has the potential to draw in global powers, leading to wider ramifications. A stable Pakistan can act as a mediator and a proponent of peace in the region, fostering dialogue and reducing the likelihood of conflicts.

Moreover, Pakistan shares a porous border with Afghanistan, a nation that has been the epicentre of prolonged conflict and instability. Pakistan’s role in facilitating peace talks and its influence over various Afghan factions make it a key stakeholder in the Afghan peace process. A stable Pakistan/Afghanistan can contribute significantly to a stable Pakistan/Afghanistan, which in turn would promote regional stability and development. Stability in the region not only reduces the risk of conflict but also creates a more favourable environment for economic growth and cooperation.

The global fight against terrorism heavily depends on Pakistan’s active participation and cooperation. Pakistan’s strategic location places it at the frontline of counter-terrorism efforts and once the region is stable it will contribute many fold in economic development of Russia, Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran through CPEC/Gwadar Port. Over the years, Pakistan has been a crucial ally in the fight against extremist groups, providing intelligence, military support, and logistical assistance.

However, an unstable Pakistan risks becoming a breeding ground for extremist groups. The Ex-Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Ex-FATA) and the Afghanistan-Pakistan Border regions have historically been safe havens for terrorist organizations. Ensuring stability in Pakistan and Afghanistan is essential to prevent these areas from being exploited by terrorists, thereby contributing to global security. The presence of a stable and cooperative Pakistan in the global counter-terrorism framework can significantly enhance the effectiveness of efforts to combat terrorism worldwide.

With a population exceeding 250 million, Pakistan is a significant market with immense economic potential of human resource. The country, with a large proportion of the population under the age of 30, presents a valuable opportunity for economic growth. A stable economic environment in Pakistan can attract foreign investment, drive regional economic growth, and foster greater economic integration in South Asia.

Furthermore, Pakistan’s economic stability can serve as a catalyst for regional trade and investment. Initiatives such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) highlight the potential for Pakistan to become a regional economic hub. Through improved infrastructure, enhanced connectivity, and increased trade, Pakistan can play a pivotal role in driving regional economic prosperity. Economic growth in Pakistan can create jobs, reduce poverty, and improve living standards, contributing to broader regional stability and development, apart defeating Enemy Narrative to create a wedge between military and people of Pakistan rather more Gel to fight as a Nation.

Pakistan’s rich natural resources, including minerals, agriculture, and energy resources, further enhance its economic potential. Effective management and utilization of these resources can lead to sustainable economic growth and development. Additionally, Pakistan’s burgeoning IT industry and its growing middle class present opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship, further driving economic progress.

Pakistan’s geographical position near the Persian Gulf, one of the world’s most critical energy- producing regions, underscores its importance in global energy security. The country’s proximity to vital energy routes makes it a key player in ensuring the stability and security of global energy supplies.

Stability in Pakistan is essential for the safe passage of energy supplies, including oil and gas, from the Middle East to global markets. Disruptions in Pakistan could jeopardize these routes, leading to volatility in global energy prices and affecting energy security worldwide. Thus, a stable Pakistan is indispensable for the uninterrupted flow of energy resources. Moreover, Pakistan’s potential as a transit hub for energy pipelines, such as those from Iran and Central Asia, can further enhance global energy security and economic integration.

Brigadier (R) Haris Nawaz
The writer is a defence and security analyst. He can be reached at Harisnawaz01@hotmail.com.

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