LAHORE-NaqabZun is a story that revolves around Dua played by the very talented Saboor Aly, who is raped just before her wedding and her world turns upside down. It is later revealed that the culprit is none other than Dua’s own brother in law “Amir”, played by Ali Abbas.
The story then unfolds very carefully, keeping in view the sensitivity of the topic and maintaining the interest of the viewers alive as well. Every mystery is solved very skillfully, from Dua’s sister finding the truth about Amir, to Amir’s mischievous moves to counter every obstacle that could ruin his plan.
The main character Dua is played brilliantly by Saboor Aly. It’s not an easy task to play a rape survivor but Saboor Aly does it remarkably. She has immersed herself in the character so genuinely, that the audience can resonate with what her character is going through. It’s not just the dialogue delivery that she has mastered, but the distinctive facial expressions as well, which speak volume of her acting skills.
Saboor Aly’s character “Dua” has many transitions throughout the drama; she goes through a trauma, and some confusion and heartbreak come along with it.
She eventually moves on to be better through therapy, starts believing in herself again, finally finds love and opens her heart to the possibility of happiness. All these phases of Dua’s life are brilliantly showcased by Saboor Aly. She has carefully balanced every phase and kept it as close to reality as possible making us believe that Dua is a real-life character.
“Rape” and “sexual assault” are the two topics which in even today’s era are considered to be taboo. However, NaqabZun manages to break that stereotype in a very effective and subtle way. NaqabZun, a MominaDuraid production, penned down by Rizwan Ahmed and directed by Adeel Siddique has been winning hearts from the beginning.
Kudos to the Naqab Zan team, for pulling off this sensitive topic and keeping the essence of the story alive. Hats off to Saboor Aly for showing that rape victims are survivors and can walk tall among others.