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In a world where alliances shift and power structures evolve, Paki­stan’s stance on maintaining multilateral relationships remains com­mendable. As the Prime Minister emphasised in his recent address, the importance of fostering multilateral collaborations will also take centre stage during his upcoming visit to the United Nations. This reiter­ates Pakistan’s balanced foreign policy approach, an essential stance in today’s volatile geopolitical climate.

Pakistan has adeptly maintained strong ties with diverse global pow­ers, including China, Russia, the United States, and regional actors like Saudi Arabia and Iran. By refusing to align with a single bloc, Pakistan ensures that its national interests are safeguarded, particularly in fields like energy, technology, and defence, where collaboration with China has proven invaluable. China’s rapid development in these sectors offers Pakistan significant opportunities for growth and stability, positioning the nation to benefit from ongoing technological advancements.

It is important, however, that Pakistan avoids ideological entrapments that could limit its options. In a world divided by geopolitical rival­ries, countries should not be boxed into rigid alliances. Instead, Paki­stan should continue seeking mutually beneficial partnerships with var­ious nations, a pragmatic approach that will fortify its strategic interests without alienating potential allies.

As Pakistan pushes ahead, promoting multilateralism should not only be a diplomatic mantra but a practical approach to growth and devel­opment. The Prime Minister’s recent remarks are a reminder that Paki­stan’s future lies in cooperation and engagement, rather than alignment with any singular global camp. It’s a balanced course that prioritises na­tional interest while keeping doors open for broader collaboration.

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