KE takes action against factories involved in power theft

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2024-09-21T06:28:31+05:00 PR

KARACHI  -  K-Electric’s crackdown against pow­er theft was carried out in Manghopir recently where several marble facto­ries were continuing their business activities through illegal electricity connections. The teams on-ground discovered and disconnected around 1000 kgs of 35 illegal connections which were involved in theft of more than 20 lakh units of electricity per month. Electricity theft is a growing challenge in the city and illegal con­nections being discovered from fac­tories is an alarming situation. Theft of electricity and non-payment of bills are two major contributing fac­tors towards loadshedding, and line losses cannot be reduced without mitigating these elements from soci­ety. While KE is carrying out the anti-theft crackdowns actively, the elimi­nation of such practices should be the top priority of the Government.

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