Shaping Young Minds

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Children are deeply affected by the experiences and hardships they witness in their early years. They observe both the good and bad deeds of people, and their envi­ronment plays a crucial role in their development. This environment in­cludes family, school, community, and society. If a child grows up in a society where victims have no right to seek justice, what kind of impres­sion will this leave? Will they ever stand up for their rights in the fu­ture? Likely not. On the other hand, if they grow up in a society where their words, dignity, and life are val­ued as much as anyone else’s, they will make good progress. This is key to societal development.

It is also essential to consider the environment a child faces at home. Parents should not create gaps be­tween themselves and their chil­dren. Killing a child’s hope is the greatest cruelty. Support your child in every aspect of life, as the brain continues to develop throughout life through learning. The quality of education and emotional sup­port plays a pivotal role in this de­velopment. Encouragement, trust, love, and a listening ear help build a child’s self-esteem. According to research from Stanford University, children who feel trusted and en­couraged are more likely to develop a growth mindset. These children will learn to manage stress and face challenges with confidence.



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