End of Fitna Al-Khawarij

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They not only misuse Quranic verses to justify the killing of innocent Muslims but also falsely promise paradise to those involved in suicide bombings.

2024-08-24T05:20:34+05:00 Attiya Munawer

At present, the country is grappling with several formidable challenges. On one side, the economic crisis has sunk deep roots, and on the other, the weight of an unpopular political leadership burdens the state. Meanwhile, insurgents, known as Khawarij, are orchestrating instability from within Afghanistan. Despite these threats, the Pakistan Army continues to make sacrifices to thwart anti-national activities. The Pakistani establishment remains resolute, not only in countering every tactic and conspiracy devised by these anti-national forces but also in bringing the Khawarij to their ultimate demise. However, for this mission to succeed, the government and the people must fully support the Pakistan Army, ensuring that every militant and insurgent is defeated.

It is no secret that the enemies of the state are employing every possible tactic to advance their agenda. They are exploiting political and economic turmoil, as well as manipulating religious sentiments. These forces persist in misleading people under the guise of Islam and Jihad. The Chief of the Armed Forces has not only made his stance clear on numerous occasions but has also reminded the nation, through references to Quranic verses, that acts of terrorism are not merely acts of evil. Rather, they are a continuation of the militants’ sedition, a menace that has persisted throughout Islamic history. This fitna must be understood in light of Islamic teachings and must be combated with an effective strategy.

This coalition government appears to have no plan and is incapable of formulating a coherent strategy, leaving the security forces to shoulder the entire burden. Yet, the security personnel are performing their duties with full responsibility. Last week, the ISPR informed the nation that the government had issued orders to all ministries and departments to refer to the outlawed Tehreek-e-Taliban as “Fitna al-Khawarij.” Furthermore, official documents should no longer use honorific titles like Mufti, Maulana, or Hafiz for those associated with banned terrorist organisations; instead, the term “Khawarij” should precede their names. This directive reflects the state’s determination to confront this sedition comprehensively.

If the beliefs and ideologies of those associated with the TTP are closely examined, they undoubtedly fit the definition of Al-Khawarij. They not only misuse Quranic verses to justify the killing of innocent Muslims but also falsely promise paradise to those involved in suicide bombings. The term Jihad is twisted to justify the shedding of Muslim blood by other Muslims. The armed forces have not only correctly diagnosed this ailment but have also taken the necessary steps to treat it. The debate over who created the Taliban is no longer relevant; there is no need to distinguish between “good Taliban” and “bad Taliban,” nor to recall who enabled their rise from the corridors of power to Washington.

Undoubtedly, both internal and external elements have supported these Khawarij. However, it now appears that a decisive resolution has been made to correct this historical blunder. All concessions are being withdrawn, all expedients are being discarded, and Operation Resolute Pakistan is being launched. The Pakistan Army is fighting on all fronts, both internal and external, while the administration remains inactive. The government lacks both political and economic stability and is unable to manage its tenure. How long will our sovereign state bear the burden of an incompetent and unpopular government, and how long will it risk its reputation for this experimental administration?

It is difficult to predict whether this government will soon collapse under its own weight, yet despite the immense pressure on both internal and external fronts, the fortitude and commitment of the Pakistan Army must be commended. They have made a firm decision to wage a determined struggle against the sedition of the Khawarij with unwavering resolve. It is stated that Operation Resolute will be a targeted operation, focusing solely on those who participate in armed actions against the State of Pakistan or those who shelter and facilitate these Khawarij. This war against the sedition of the Khawarij transcends sectarian divisions and provincial boundaries. It is a struggle for the stability of the state. In this proxy war, the entire nation must stand united against these foreign-backed insurgents and bring them to an end; only then will peace and stability prevail in Pakistan.

Attiya Munawer
The writer is an activist and environmen-talist. She covers human rights and politico-environmental issues. She tweets @AttiyaMunawer and can be reached at attiabutt121@gmail.com

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