Weather: A WMD?

DR SHAHIDA WIZARAT In the 70s, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote in his book Between Two Ages: Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised.[T]echniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. In the early 80s, Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, too referred to the weather war for which the US and the Soviet Union had acquired the know-how to bring about sudden climatic changes like hurricanes, droughts and floods. HAARP (an abbreviation for High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme) is the outcome of 50 years of research that started in 40s which was later bought by the US in the 90s. It is, indeed, a deadly weapon in the arsenal of the New World Order under the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI), which has been used to alter the climate by spraying areas above the earth known as ionosphere with electro-magnetic rays of varying frequencies that can heat up those areas causing climatic changes, knocking out land, sea and air communications and disrupting human mental functions. Unlike conventional warfare, it is a low cost alternative and can be unleashed without the targets knowledge. Also, it can destabilise the agricultural and ecological system through climatic manipulations. Michel Chossudovsky, a Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa, states: HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially trigging floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Besides this, Dr Nick Begich and Jean Manning in their book, Angels Dont Play This HAARP, have also pointed out that the US military has the ability to alter weather conditions. They maintain that the rainmaking technology was tested in Vietnam. Additionally, the US Department of Defence sampled lightning and hurricane manipulation studies in projects known as Skyfire and Storm Fury. The writers quote an expert, who stated that the US military studied lasers and chemicals which could damage the ozone layer over an enemy. Begich and Manning wrote: Democracies need to be founded on openness, rather than the secrecy which surrounds so much military science. Knowledge used in developing revolutionary weapons could be used for healing and helping mankind.and because they are used in new weapons, discoveries are classified and suppressed. When they do appear in the work of other independent scientists, the new ideas are often frustrated or ridiculed, while military research laboratories continue to build their new machines for the killing fields. However, they sound optimistic when they add that the military industrial academic bureaucratic Goliath can be confronted by the combined power of determined individuals and the free press. They maintain that becoming informed about what is going on is the first step towards empowerment. So when the earthquake struck Azad Kashmir in 2005 there were rumours that this was the work of some enemy country, as many in Pakistan thought that India had something to do with it. But this time: The recent floods in Pakistan, mudslides in China and wild fires in Russia appear to be targeted attempts and bear the traits of a WMD. An investigator on states: HAARP has recently been used in the north western areas of Pakistan aimed at submerging the entire country and bringing about the worst crisis experienced in Pakistan. The same is corroborated in several programmes of the History Channel that the use of Tesla Technology and HAARP has now made it possible to cause floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. Surely, these are the real WMDs unleashed by a country - a superpower - that is trotting the globe looking for WMDs where none exist The writer is a research professor at the Applied Economics Research Centre, University of Karachi. Email:

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