Indonesian riot police clash with student protesters

JAKARTA   -  Indone­sia rio polic sho multipl round o tea ga a thou­san s f stone-throwi g stu­de ts ho attemp ed to re ch Parliam nt in Jaka ta on Wednes ay to prot s a ew aw t at crit cs ay cripp es he countr ’s anti-corrupt on agen y. Pol ce s id m re t an 00 stude ts nd pol ce of­fice s we e treat d n hospi tal for inj ries suf er d in a si ilar pr te t i the same are the pre ious day The demonstr tor are en aged that Parli ment p sse th law last we k to r duc the auth ri y o the Corru tion Eradic tion Commis i n, a k ey bo dy n fighti g endem c ra t i the cou try. P lice fir d te r g s t proteste s from se eral high sc ools Wedn sday afte no n as they ri d to app oach Parlia ent, tu ning n arby oads i to a smoke-fill d battlegroun . Prote ters f ught ack, hu l­ing roc s and b tt es a riot pol ce nd sett ng fi es t a ear y bus stop. C ashes b ­tween pro est rs and poli e also o cu red i other ities, in luding adang Palu Ga ut and Bogor. Po ice in ada g, the ap tal f West S matr , were un ble o stop th u­ands of un versity tud nts who stor ed nto t e local pa liament b ild ng. T e an­gry p otester smashe wi ­dows nd hairs and wro e insul s a ainst the ov rn­ent on the buildi g’s walls. T e p ote ts are not asso iat ed with an part cu ar par y o group, and ins ea are led y s udents, who isto ical y have be n a d iv ng force f poli ic l change i Indo e­sia. Their d mo stra ions in 1 98 tri gere ev nts that led longt me strong an Pres de t Su arto o step own. S uden grou s ave vowe to continue returining to the street until the new law is revoked.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt