Clashes in Kurram leave 30 dead, 80 injured

Peshawar   -  Clashes between rival tribes in Kurram district have escalated, with reports indicating at least 30 fatalities and around 80 injuries from armed confrontations that have persisted for the last six days.

Fighting has erupted at four locations within the district, with tribesmen employing both heavy and light arms. The conflict originated over the construction of trenches by rival factions in the villages of Boshehra and Ahmadzai, leading to intense gunfire over disputed land. Police noted that heavy exchanges of fire intensified in the Balishkhel area, resulting in significant casualties on both sides.

On Thursday, police reported that as dusk fell, heavy firing and mortar shelling resumed, with ongoing conflicts in Balashkhel, Khaar Kali, Trimanal, Baghki, Maqbal, and Kanj Alizai areas. Hospital sources confirmed that additional injured individuals were brought to medical facilities, with nine succumbing to their injuries overnight, while others remain under treatment.

Independent sources suggest that the actual number of casualties may be higher due to some areas being inaccessible for reporting. In response, the district administration organized a grand tribal jirga on Thursday to urge the rival tribes to agree to a ceasefire.

Elders from the Turi-Bangash tribes called on authorities to take immediate action to resolve the conflict peacefully. They urged the government to address the violence and restore law and order in the district, expressing concerns that the provincial government has failed to prioritize peace and the welfare of its citizens.

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