Donald Trump’s speech at Jamboree faces backlash

The Boy Scouts of America hosted their national Jamboree and US president Donald Trump was in attendance at the soirée. This has not been the first sitting president to be in attendance as many former presidents have been hosted at this event.

The event was held in West Virginia, on Monday with 40000 people in attendance – with many falling in the ages 12 to 18

However many parents were outraged after the president after the president reminisced his victory in the election called out “fake media outlets” and amused the scouts with tales of New York parties in the 80’s

Trump commended the scouts on having character and integrity. However he loaded his speech with many political themes.

He criticized, former president Barack Obama’s healthcare law and also bashed him for not attending jamboree. He went on talking about how the “fake media” will try to make it look like the president was speaking for a small crowd and also make comparisons claiming that Washington political scene could be related to a “sewer”.

He also recounted a story where he attended a cocktail party, decades ago, that hosted the “hottest people in New York”

Many people were enraged how the president used such a special occasion to further his political agenda claiming it went against everything boy scouts stood for.

 Looks like America does not approve of the president's weary tactics.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt