Britain's Prince William up for Afghanistan fight: report

Britain's Prince William, who is training to become a full-time military helicopter pilot, wants to fight in Afghanistan, a newspaper said Sunday, citing the royal. Britain's biggest-selling newspaper, said the 26-year-old royal, who is second in line to the throne, unwittingly spoke to their reporter in a nightclub. The prince gives away little when speaking publicly. William also said his brother Prince Harry was missing his ex-lover Chelsy Davy, while giving away no clues about whether he might marry his own girlfriend Kate Middleton. Harry, 24, served with the British Army in Afghanistan for 77 days with the Household Cavalry regiment until a reporting embargo broke down in February 2008. He had previously been blocked from serving in Iraq due to the sensitivities of sending senior royals to fight in war zones and the likelihood of them becoming high-profile targets and increasing the risk for their colleagues. "I'd love to do what Harry did out in Afghanistan," William was reported as saying.

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