CM’s message on Day of Parliamentary System of Government

LAHORE   -   Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz Sharif, in her message on International Day of Parliamentary System of Government, said,’’ Today is the day to renew our pledge to uphold the principles of parliamentary democracy. Parliament is the cornerstone of our democracy and is the guardian of sterling principles of justice and equality.’’ She added,’’ Parliamentary system ensures transparency, accountability and representation of the people in governance. Everyone and every institution should play a vigorous role in striving to strengthen parliamentary institutions. I pay tribute to the Members of National and Provincial Assemblies in this regard. Those parliamentarians who endeavoured to uphold the values of democracy and justice are highly praiseworthy.’’ CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif said,’’ A strong parliament is highly inevitable for the protection of human rights. A parliamentary democracy thrives with the active participation of citizens. The power of democracy lies in the strength of parliamentary institutions. A Parliamentary Development Unit and a Research Centre has been established in the Punjab Assembly. A Parliamentary Development Unit will provide assistance to the Assembly Members according to democratic tenets.’’

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