RUDA CEO conducts visit to Industrial and Chahar Bagh sites

LAHORE-CEO of Ravi Urban Development Authority (RUDA), Imran Amin conducted a comprehensive visit to the Industrial and Chahar Bagh sites, with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability and ongoing efforts to minimize ecological impact. During this visit, CEO Imran Amin reviewed the progress of eco-friendly initiatives implemented at both the Industrial and Chahar Bagh sites. Notably, the Chahar Bagh project, spanning an extensive area of 128 acres, showcased the integration of modern sustainable practices, aligning with environmental directives from time to time.
Significant attention was dedicated to addressing environmental factors within the Industrial Zone Phase-1. A comprehensive environmental survey had previously highlighted concerns including air and noise pollution, water quality, and compliance with necessary environmental approvals. In response, strategic measures have been implemented to mitigate these concerns and promote a cleaner urban environment. The CEO emphasized the organization’s unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of the local community. He stated, “Our top priority at RUDA is ensuring the safety of the local community. We are diligently working with experts to implement necessary measures that will safeguard the well-being of everyone involved.”
The CEO’s visit underscores RUDA’s steadfast dedication to environmental preservation and sustainable urban development. By adhering to eco-friendly practices and actively addressing environmental challenges, RUDA strives to create a greener, more sustainable, and environmentally responsible urban landscape.

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