Chaos Over Credibility

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is already teetering on the edge, with its members splintering and leaving the party in droves. Once hailed as a formidable force in Pakistani politics, PTI is now more often viewed as the party of disruption rather than a legitimate opposition willing to engage constructively in the political process. The recent chaos it caused in the National Assembly only serves to solidify this image, making it increasingly difficult for PTI to be taken seriously as a credible political entity.

If PTI continues on this path of disruption rather than participating in parliamentary proceedings, it will only further entrench its reputation as an obstructive force. The latest debacle in the Assembly is a prime example—critical legislative business was derailed, and the issues that were meant to be addressed were sidelined because of PTI’s antics. This is not the behaviour of a party committed to governance or to the well-being of the nation; it is the behaviour of a party intent on creating chaos at all costs.

Adding to the irony, PTI members’ loud complaints about the jail conditions faced by their leaders are nothing short of hypocritical. It is worth remembering that during Imran Khan’s tenure, the party showed little concern for the rights and conditions of PML-N members who were incarcerated. Their sudden outrage now seems less about principle and more about self-interest.

In a time when the nation faces multiple crises, PTI’s strategy of constant disruption is not just misguided; it is destructive. The party risks relegating itself to the margins of Pakistani politics, remembered not for its achievements, but for its refusal to act as a responsible opposition. The leadership would do well to reconsider its approach before it is too late to salvage what little credibility remains.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt