Securing Balochistan

The recent attack in Balochistan, attributed to separatist groups with alleged external funding, is a stark reminder of the deep-rooted security challenges facing the province. While it is convenient to blame foreign forces for fuelling unrest, the responsibility does not end there. The state’s failure to create a secure environment in Balochistan cannot be overlooked. The persistence of such attacks highlights a significant lapse in addressing both the immediate and underlying issues that plague the region.

For a long-term solution, military operations targeting illegitimate actors are necessary but not sufficient. The state must couple these efforts with meaningful engagement with the people of Balochistan. Decades of neglect, broken promises, and a lack of development have created fertile ground for dissent. Addressing the grievances of the Baloch people is crucial in undercutting the appeal of separatist narratives and ensuring that the province’s future is one of peace and prosperity.

Engagement must go beyond token gestures. The people of Balochistan need to see tangible benefits, from economic development to political inclusion. Only through addressing their legitimate concerns can the cycle of violence be broken. The state must recognise that prosperity and security are intertwined; without one, the other will remain elusive.

As the situation stands, relying solely on force to quell unrest is a short-sighted approach that may provide temporary relief but will do little to resolve the deeper issues. A balanced strategy that combines robust security measures with sincere efforts to improve the lives of the Baloch people is the only way forward. The time for mere rhetoric has passed—what is needed now is decisive action that addresses both the symptoms and the causes of unrest in Balochistan.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt