Core competency

There is no denying the fact that survival is only for the fitters. We must recognize our one core competency to work on it for future progress when you understand your core competency in any field of life, your confidence increases on that particular trait of your personality. If you are a student you must be aware of your favorite subject and if you are a teacher you must know your strength in your field of knowledge and experience. If you are a player you must know your strength in the field of game. You must know that you are a good athlete, sprinter, wrestler, cricket player, hockey player or football player. What is your passion? When your instinct motivation revealed your inner strength you become a good player, a rock star, who always remains in limelight.  

Decision making is another hindrance in our prosperous life which ultimately ends on life skills. Some people do not know that every problem comes with its solution hidden in itself. We need to detect that solution for skilled life. We need to collaborate with society to know one of our core competencies. Creative people work hard and continually to improve ideas and solution by making alternations refinements to their works. Creativity, ability, attitude and curiosity also help to determine your core competency in which you can show your best performance in your core competency, your area of strength where you can defend yourself wisely and bravely.  

Your core competency allows you to enter in its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter, divisions, clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depths, breaths and fairness. Change is healthy activity so it is good to be slow and steady but it is better to be fast and reliable. Be exploring one of your good trait and working on it in near future will benefit you to exhibit you core competency in one aspect of your life. This particular trait will bring positive and permanent change in your behavior which is socially acceptable for the stake holder of the society. This core competency may be a self actualization described by Maslow in hierarchy of need and it may be described by Allama Iqbal in self esteem in the form of Khuddi. 


Sangla Hill, August 30.

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