JI criticizes govt over tax burden, announces mass membership drive

Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) leader Hafiz Naeemur Rehman criticized the government on Monday for burdening the already struggling salaried class with numerous taxes while sparing the Independent Power Producers (IPPs) from similar measures.

Speaking at a press conference in Lahore, Rehman announced that JI plans to launch a large-scale membership drive this month, aiming to enroll up to five million members.

Rehman highlighted that JI is the only party in Pakistan capable of uniting the nation's people, as it is composed of middle-class individuals, unlike other parties dominated by landlords and businessmen.

He asserted that JI is addressing the political void in Pakistan and emphasized the importance of involving the youth, portraying JI as a source of hope for the younger generation. He encouraged the youth to join JI and pressure the government, which he referred to as the "Form-47 government," to acknowledge its failure in providing relief to the public.

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