Medical camp held in Sohawa

GUJAR KHAN   -   A free medical camp for creating awareness about  kidney diseases held at Sohawa town and the patients were given free medicines and tests to combat growing concern about general health and kidney disorders. According to Professor Sajid Bokhari, the free medical camp on kidney diseases was organized at his college in collaboration with Pakistan Kidney Center and Voices for Kidney Patients, and a free screening and diagnostic facility was provided to the residents of the area in general and medication for the patients was also provided. Professor Bokhari said that college students were also educated by Ms Naima Khan from USA, the founder of Voices for the Kidney Patients and other healthcare professionals including Specialist Dr. Khalil-ur-Rehman, Nephrologist. Residents of the town appreciate this welfare initiative and expressed hope that such free medical camps, supported by Pakistan Kidney Center and Voices for Kidney Patients, will continue in the future to provide quality healthcare services at their doorstep. The students and faculty of Dar e Arqam girls college also expressed their gratitude to the health professionals for creating awareness against Kidney disorders. 

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