There must be three layer security system in place for Majalis

Home dept issues SOPs for majalis during Muharram

LAHORE   -   The Punjab Home department has issued standard operating procedure (SOPs) for Majalis in Muharram-ul-Haram. According to spokesperson, the department has issued instructions to ensure a 3-layer security cover for all Majalis. One entrance and exit route should be allocated for all the Majalis and installation of walk-through gates at all sensitive places should be ensured. The organizers will ensure physical security check before the majalis and every citizen coming to the majlis must be checked through the metal detector. Similarly, CCTV cameras should be installed for capturing every person while entering the Majalis. The administration is directed to ensure foolproof security arrangements for all imambargahs and Majalis during Muharram. Similarly, it has been made mandatory that the loudspeaker should be used only within the limits of the Majlis and time restrictions should be observed. It is also mentioned in the SOPs that the Health department should ensure checking before the distribution of Niaz, Langar and Sabeel. Likewise, the organizers will ensure that the Zaakirs deliver non-controversial speeches. It has also been directed that car parking should be made at a distance of at least 200 meters from the Majlis. The Punjab Home department has directed that the local peace committees should play their role for the peaceful observance of Muharram.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt