Sindh govt fulfills Umer Sharif's desire regarding his burial

Fulfilling the desire of legendary comedian Umer Sharif regarding his burial, the Sindh government has allowed the family of the comedian to bury him at Abdullah Shah Ghazi graveyard.

Speaking to the journalists, Umer Sharif s son Jawad Umar urged the nation to pray for Sharif s forgiveness. He revealed his fathers desire to be buried at Abdullah Shah Ghazis shrine. He also requested the Sindh government to make arrangements in this regard. Arrangements are being made for burial. As soon as a decision is taken, we will announce the funeral prayers, he added.

The Sindh minister Saeed Ghani said that arrangements regarding to the desire of the actor have been initiated, adding that Sharif wished to be buried in the same cemetery.

"According to the wishes of late Umer Sharif, arrangements are being made by the Sindh government for his burial at the Hazrat Abdullah Shah Ghazi graveyard, he tweeted.

On the other hand, Umer Sharif s family sources said that the body of actor will be sent from Germany on Monday. The actor s body will return to Pakistan after the local government in Nuremberg issues the death certificate.

Due to Sunday s holiday, necessary legal proceedings will be completed on Monday. The body is likely to reach Karachi on Tuesday from Germany.

Pakistani veteran comedian Umer Sharif has passed away at the age of 66 years after prolonged illness.

The artist was set to resume his journey today to United States (US) for medical treatment three days after his stay in Germany.

Umer Sharif was admitted to a hospital in Germanys Nuremberg on September 29 as his health condition deteriorated during flight to the United States.

Earlier, the departure of renowned comedian for treatment abroad was postponed due to his critical health. His blood pressure dropped while he was undergoing a dialysis. 

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt