Workshop held to discuss EPA role to protect environment

PESHAWAR   -   Project Management Unit (PMU) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Integrated Tourism Development Project (KITE) arranged a one-day training workshop on Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) role to develop and enforces environmental regulations and to protect environment, EPA guidelines, WB safeguard documents compliance and KITE-GRM in Peshawar.

The workshop began with a warm welcome from Project Director KITE DoT Touseef Khalid, he explained the aim of today workshop is orienting development authorities and DoAM staff on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) role and requirements.

Dr Habib Jan, Deputy Director of EPA, delivered an in-depth and comprehensive session, shedding light on the EPA’s guidelines and the significance of the EPA Act of 2014.

Consultant Dr Irfan elaborated on safeguarding documents, discussing PCRMP and ESMP, while Shafqat Ali Khan explained the KITE-Grievance Redress Mechanism.

Attended by participants from Tourism Department and its allied authorities including Galiyat Development Authority, Kaghan Development Authority, Upper Swat Development Authority, and Directorate of Archaeology and Museums KP, the workshop was meticulously crafted to equip attendees with indispensable knowledge for ensuring environmental compliance, especially within the realm of tourism projects.

Additional Secretary, Yasir Ali Khan of the Department of Tourism lauded KITE’s capacity-building efforts and distributed certificates to participants, emphasising the workshop’s significance.

Project Director Touseef Khalid conveyed heartfelt gratitude to all participants for their active and enthusiastic engagement throughout the session.

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