No nation without justice system

The secret to progress in the world lies in raising the voice of justice and equity within a country.

A nation that prioritizes justice and ensures its prevalence continues to advance and prosper.

Acting Chief Justice Shujaat Ali Khan, after taking the oath, not only refrained from protocol but also emphasized justice and swift decisions. Additionally, during the tenure of Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, the reconciliation system initiated in the district judiciary has been activated. Furthermore, for the transfer posting of judges in the district judiciary, Lahore High Court’s Confidential Branch has issued a directive. All judges who are working to provide justice in Punjab may submit their transfer requests to the Registrar’s Office of Lahore High Court.

The applications will be processed along with remarks from the sessions judges. Judges posted in different cities can mutually transfer from one city to another. For this purpose, both judges need to submit their requests to Lahore High Court, and a decision will be made regarding their transfer. Similarly, if a judge wishes to transfer to another city, he can mention up to three cities in his application, and the decision will be based on that. This is the first time such a step has been taken in the history of Lahore High Court, where judges are asked to indicate their preferred city for transfer.

Additionally, an Additional Sessions Judge and senior civil judge cannot be transferred again to the same city. If a judge owns property in a city, resides there with family, or has been in that city for over five years, they cannot be transferred to that city. Male judges residing in Lahore can request transfers within their own city. Female judges can also request transfers within their city, which includes Lahore, Multan, Faisalabad, and Rawalpindi. Unmarried women judges will have priority in choosing the city for transfer, and the distance between their residence and workplace should not exceed 200 kilometers. Transfers will also consider children’s exam schedules. If both spouses are judges, they will be transferred to the same city, district, or division. Our prayers are that the Acting Chief Justice of Lahore, who is striving for swift justice, be accepted in the divine court. May he be blessed with good health. And may the judges, who work tirelessly day and night in this country, help lift the nation out of difficult situations, ensuring that every child receives education and that every individual has access to justice and equity. Ameen.”

Rizwana Tabassam

–The writer is student of LLB.

Rizwana Tabassam

–The writer is student of LLB.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt