Two cops martyred as dacoits attack police checkpost in Kandhkot

K A N D H KOT   -   Two police cops were martyred while two others sustained serious injuries after a group of bandits attacked at Dadar police check post near duranri police station here on early in the morning. Martyred were identified as Nisar Ahemd kalhoro and Allah dino sabzoi however Anwar Ali and Zahid Hussain Nasirani got injured. Following the incident a heavy contingent of police reached on the spot and cordoned of the entire katcha area of Dadar. Police sources said that upon retaliation, they had killed a notorious criminal identifed Nazir alias Molai bhayo of bhayo gang while two other were also injured those who were fled from the scene. Later police shifted the bodies of martyred policemen and injured to DHQ hospital for medical formalities and treatment.

It is pertinent to add here that crime ratio especially Murderings, kidnapping for ransom, robberies, bike and mobile snatching, gambling, drug peddling and other street crimes have rampant throughout district while police appears to be helpless and cluess to control growing criminal activities especially katcha area is the den of crime for taking people as hostage. It is alarming to note that kashmore district is the only district where maximum cases of kidnapping for ransom have been recorded across sindh. However the most of abductees belong to very poor labouring community that include street vendors, push cart operators, rikshaw riders and watchmen who can’t afford to pay even any penny despite the fact they were kidnapped which is beyond understand. On the other hands civil society, social activists and local citizens have grave concerns over raising of the crime ratio throughout district and demanded from cheif minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali shah,  IGP Sindh and other authority concerned for removal of SSP Kashmore who has been completely failed to control the crime throughout district besides restoring the peace since they could take sigh of relief.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt