Positive results of anti-corruption open courts: SACM

Peshawar   -    Special Assistant to Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for Anti-Corruption establishment Brig (Retd) Mossadeq Abbasi on Tuesday said that the purpose of the Khuli Khachari is to bring the complainants and the officers of the anti-corruption establishment face to face so that the complainants can easily convey their complaints to the relevant authorities.

For the convenience of citizens, WhatsApp numbers have been issued on which they can register their complaints. Complaint boxes are being installed in the Deputy Commissioner’s office in every district where they can drop their complaints.

Anti-corruption establishment officers will collect complaints frequently. He expressed these views during the third monthly Khuli Khachari of the Anti-Corruption Establishment held at Peshawar and Regional offices across the province. Director Anti-Corruption establishment Siddiq Anjum along with the concerned authorities attended the Khuli Khachari and heard the complaints.

Speaking on the occasion, SACM for Anti-Corruption Brig (Retd) Mossadeh Abbasi said that positive results of holding the Khuli Khachari are coming.  Acting on the complaints filed in the first Khuli Khachari, 511 kanals of land was handed over to the Forest Department.  The distance between the institution and the public is reducing by regularly holding of Khuli Khachari.

Mossadeq Abbasi said that for the convenience of the people, the Anti-Corruption Establishment has issued a WhatsApp number 03319988848  through which people can report and complain about corruption.

According to the statistics released by Anti-Corruption Establishment, Khuli Khacharies were held at Directorate Anti Corruption establishment and eight regional offices of the Directorate, 138 people participated while three complaints were registered. Mossadegq Abbasi instructed to keep informed about the action taken on the complaints.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt