BISE Sukkur announces submission of enrollment forms

SUKKUR   -  The Board of Intermediate and Sec[1]ondary Education (BISE) Sukkur on Monday announced that it has notified all heads of institutions, af[1]filiated with the board, that the en[1]rollment forms of class First Year or HSC Part-I (XI-Class) could be sub[1]mitted till October 22, 2021. BISE Secretary Rafique Ahmed Palh said that in case of unavailabil[1]ity of “B-Form” enrollment forms of class ninth (science and general group) could be submitted without “B-Form” but the applicants will be bound to submit the “B-Form” with[1]in three months to the section con[1]cerned. She said that after the sub[1]mission of “B-Form”, the board will be able to issue enrollment cards to the respective candidates.

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