AI: Hope or Hazard?

Some people highlight the potential negative impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and attempt to undermine its significance. In the past, similar judgments were passed on computers and robots. However, advancements in science and technology have enabled us to manufacture robots and machines that do not require human commands to function. AI is one such technology that allows robots to make decisions independently without human interference.

It is important to note that many things once beyond our imagination are now part of our daily lives. Similarly, AI is bound to become a significant tool in our lives. Some experts and scientists believe that AI may become as necessary as a ventilator is to a patient.

Opponents of AI technology argue that it has deprived humans of many job opportunities. While this may be true to some extent, a closer examination reveals that the problem of unemployment is actually declining with the emergence of new sectors in the industrial landscape. Therefore, AI is not a threat or a curse; it is a remarkable gift of science that aims to make our lives easier.

Many writers and philosophers express concerns that we might become slaves to robots, but researchers disagree with such views. They are confident that, since humans are the creators of these robots, we have the knowledge and control to use them to our advantage. The control humans currently have over robots is complete.



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