PAF makes thalassemia patient’s dream a reality, makes him pilot for a day

ISLAMABAD    -    Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force, Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu has made a young boy’s dream come true by making him a PAF pilot for one day at an operational base. 

Abdullah Naveed, who suffers from thalassemia, had always dreamt of becoming a PAF fighter pilot. With the help of ‘Make-a-Wish Founda­tion, Pakistan’, the child was given an honorary rank and a simulated expe­rience of flying a fighter aircraft. He also visited various units and wings of the base, accompanied by his par­ents and the founding president of the foundation, Ishtiaq Baig.

The PAF has always held a special place in the hearts of the Pakistani nation, and this gesture has garnered praise and appreciation from many. The activity was a testament to the tra­ditional affiliation of the young genera­tion with the PAF, and it has shown the force’s compassionate side.

Abdullah Naveed’s joy and elation during the experience were evident, and the PAF has wished him a speedy recovery and the actual realization of his dream. The PAF’s efforts to make the young boy’s dream come true have set a heartwarming example for others, and it has further strength­ened the bond between the PAF and the people of Pakistan.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt