Human Cruelty Towards Animals

It is deeply disheartening and heart-wrenching to witness the intolerable behaviour of humans towards Allah’s creatures. Many humans exhibit traits of brutality and cruelty, as seen in numerous crimes of murder, harassment, and other deplorable acts.

Nearly every creature of Allah has experienced human-induced hardships, with animals being frequent targets of human oppression. Humans have consistently shown a vicious attitude towards animals, as evidenced by the rising number of killings of innocent deer, rabbits, and other animals, as well as their mistreatment. Humans often take pleasure in making animals the victims of their cruelty, visiting natural areas primarily to hunt innocent animals. Reports have documented the killing of deer and other animals in District Thar of Sindh Province and other regions, despite the government’s ban on hunting, which is rarely enforced.

Influential individuals often remain above the law, committing these acts without fear of punishment. Donkeys, horses, and other animals are frequently mistreated, suffering abuse when they fail to meet their owners’ demands or grow tired from carrying heavy loads. The government must take effective measures to prevent the killing and mistreatment of animals. Offenders must be held accountable under the law, without influence or bias, and the ban on hunting innocent animals must be strictly enforced.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt