If anyone violates Army Act, law takes its own course, DG ISPR responds to Imran’s possible military trial

RAWALPINDI: DG ISPR Lt-Gen Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry addresses press conference on Thursday.

Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry says there is no ‘no go area’ in Pakistan.  Only secure Pakistan can guarantee stronger Pakistan.  Those who carried out recent attacks in Balochistan have nothing to do with Islam, humanity and Baloch norms.

ISLAMABAD   -   Director General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry on Thursday  said that due to successful counterterrorism operations there is no, “no go area” in the country.  “There is no hold of terrorists in any part of Pakistan,” Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said this at a news conference at held at headquarters of the Inter-Services Public Relations.

When a reporter asked about the possible military trial of PTI founder Imran Khan stating that media is abuzz with roumours particularly following the arrest of Faiz that the PTI leader would be taken into military custody very soon. The ISPR chief replied, “Under Army, if anyone violates the Army Act, then the law takes its own course.” Responding to the questioner, DG ISPR Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said the question was “hypothetical.” But he added: “Anyone who uses any person or persons who are bound by the Army Act for his personal or political interests, and there is evidence available about that, the law will take its own course.”

He added that the army’s accountability system is comprehensive and transparent and it works on concrete evidence not on allegations.

“A petition was filed against Gen (retd) Faiz in the Top City case and a high-level court inquiry was ordered in April 2024,” the army’s top spokesperson told reporter

Referring to Lt-Gen (R) Faiz Hameed case, the DG ISPR said the case against Faiz was properly investigated, it was clear violations of Pakistan Army Act and only after completion of investigation, Court Martial proceedings were initiated against him which is in progress.

“Accountability of any serving or retired officer who has crossed the legal or constitutional boundaries for his personal interest would be carried out without any discrimination”, he said. Pakistan army is neither supporter of any political party nor anti to any political party and has no political agenda, he added.

However, he said the major reason behind spike in terrorist activities is facilitation to Fita Al khawarij by Kabul based Afghan Taliban.

Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry also said that the perpetrators of August 26, 2024 terrorists acts in Balochistan is clearly linked with facilitation from Afghanistan.

“Pakistan government is in touch with Kabul the matter and pursuing them to abandon patronising Fatina Al Khawarij”, he said.

The ISPR DG further said that need of the hour is to further strong criminal justice system of Pakistan, break the nexus of criminals and terrorists and whole nation should adopt and stand on one narrative that there should be no compromise with terrorists. He said military cleared areas from militancy with strategy of clear, hold, build and transfer strategy, however clear and hold stage is cleared but build and transfer stage is yet to be done which is the responsibility of civilian authorities.

“Civil administration in such areas is completely relying on military support, due to which military is frequently carrying out operations in such areas”, DG ISPR said. Talking about said the self accountability system in Armed Forces of Pakistan, Lt-Gen Ahmed Sharif said military carryout accountability without any discrimination among the rank and file of the military only after complete investigation.

He said Pakistan Army stands in support with every government under the law. He said Army is fully aware of their professional responsibilities for defending the motherland, and there will be no compromise on national security.

Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry further said that it is need of the hour that we should play our individual and collective role to make Pakistan a stronger country and address the challenges effectively.

He said only a secure Pakistan can guarantee a stronger Pakistan. Giving detail of counter-terrorism operations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan during the past eight months, the DG ISPR said thirty-two thousand, one hundred and seventy three intelligence-based operations were carried out during this period.

He said four thousand twenty-one operations were conducted during last month, killing 90 Khawarij.

The DG ISPR said over one hundred and thirty intelligence-based operations are conducted on daily basis by the army, intelligence, police, and other law enforcement agencies.

He said 193 soldiers and officers of Pakistan Army embraced martyrdom during the past eight months. The entire nation pays glowing tribute to valiant sons of the soil and their families.

The DG ISPR vowed that the war against terrorism will continue till the elimination of last Khawarij terrorist from the country. Referring to recent terrorist attacks in Balochistan, he said those who carried out these attacks have nothing to do with Islam, humanity and Baloch norms.

Giving a clear message to terrorists and their facilitators, Lieutenant General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry said the state will deal the enemies of people and development process with iron hands.

He said the blood of every Pakistani is sacred and will not be allowed to go in vain. He said there is a consensus that Pakistan Army, being a national and state institution, will not be allowed to be used for any political or personal interests.

Answering a question, the Director General ISPR said the army, intelligence and other law enforcement agencies have so far cleared over forty-six thousand square kilometers of area.

He said the campaign against terrorism has four phases, which include clear, hold, build and transfer.

He said the armed forces have successfully completed the phases of clear and hold. He said now there is a need to complete other two phases of build and transfer with the local and provincial governments in the lead. He said it is responsibility of the civilian authorities to undertake socio-economic projects of health, education and employment for the welfare of the general public.

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