Internal Accountability

In a recent press conference, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) spokesperson provided the first in-depth explanation of the military’s rationale behind the court martial proceedings against former spymaster Lieutenant General Faiz Hamid. This briefing has largely put to rest the swirling rumours surrounding these proceedings, particularly the reasons for bringing charges against him. The ISPR’s strong assertion that a thorough inquiry had been conducted and concrete evidence gathered before initiating the proceedings indicates the military’s confidence in securing a conviction.

While the final verdict remains unknown, it is clear that Lieutenant General Hamid faces a rigorous examination before the military tribunals. Beyond the specifics of the case, the decision to bring such charges against a former high-ranking official, who once wielded significant influence, underscores an important principle: in Pakistan, no one is above accountability—not even the military. This sets a crucial precedent for internal accountability and transparency, which will help maintain public trust despite attempts from some quarters to undermine it. It is essential to affirm at all levels that the primary role of the armed forces is to selflessly serve the country, standing united and ready to sacrifice for its protection, as countless soldiers have done. Any deviation from this duty, whether motivated by personal or political interests, must be dealt with firmly. Such partisanship has no place in the military, which stands as a symbol of diversity, unity, and strength.

These proceedings should restore accountability and trust within the armed forces. It is hoped that this commitment to accountability will continue into the future, ensuring the military remains a trusted institution in the country.

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