Timely action by Ogra, Sindh govt, LEAs prevents catastrophe in Panu Aqil

ISLAMABAD   -   The Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA), in collaboration with the government of Sindh, the district government, and law enforcement agencies (LEAs), has successfully halted the illegal mixing of CO2 gas with LPG in and around Panu Aqil, Sukkur. A decisive action has been taken against those violating the law, with FIRs registered and court proceedings initiated. This prompt intervention has averted a potential catastrophe that could have resulted in massive explosions, significant damage to public property, and a substantial loss of human lives.

Recently, OGRA has taken serious note of the illegal practice of mixing carbon dioxide (CO2) with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Under the leadership of Chairman Masroor Khan, OGRA, alongside its enforcement, legal, and LPG teams, engaged law enforcement agencies, the provincial government of Sindh, senior district officials, the Attorney General, and provincial Advocate Generals to address this critical issue. OGRA is committed to utilizing all legal avenues available under its rules and regulations to eradicate such illegal activities, ensuring the safety of lives and properties of the general public. The mixing of CO2 with LPG has been reported in various locations across the Sindh province, particularly in Panu Aqil near Sukkur. LPG is highly flammable, and the illegal mixing of CO2 poses severe risks, including adverse environmental impacts. CO2 has a higher pressure than LPG, which can lead to serious safety concerns as equipment designed for LPG may not function properly.

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