PDM announces final push to end Imran’s rule

Opposition parties’ alliance rejects ‘unprecedented’ hike in fuel, food, energy prices | Demands strict action against those found guilty in Daska election rigging

ISLAMABAD - The Pakistan Democratic Movement  (PDM), an alliance of several opposition parties, on Friday decided to launch a decisive campaign against the PTI government. The long march will start from Lahore and culminate as a mass march against inflation in Islamabad. The protest campaign will end only after sending Imran Khan and his government home.

The decision to this effect was taken during a top-level meeting of PDM held virtually. PDM President and JUI-F Chief Mualana Fazlur Rehman chaired the meeting. 

Leaders of al l political parties of the PDM attended the meeting. PML-N was represented by former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi. The meeting took stock of the overall socioeconomic situation of the country; the skyrocketing inflation, NAB Ordinance, so-called election reforms and various other domestic and foreign faced by the country. The meeting rejected the unprecedented hike in prices of sugar, flour, medicines, electricity, gas, petrol and other essential commodities, and demanded an immediate reversal of this price hike along with true relief for the people.

2018 election was the biggest fraud and the worst conspiracy: PDM 

The participants of the meeting agreed that Imran Khan and the historic corrupting of his government was the biggest reason for the current deplorable state of the country. They also demanded that the deal agreed with the International Monetary Fund must be made public. 

The meeting termed the 2018 elections the biggest fraud with the Pakistani nation and called it the worst conspiracy to steal the public vote.

It was decided in the meeting that a conclusive mass public campaign would be launched, starting with a mass public meeting on November 13 in Karachi, which would be followed by another in Quetta, in Peshawar on 20th and would end with a decisive mass public long march from Lahore to Islamabad against the inflation caused by this government. This movement would only end after sending Imran Khan home, they agreed.

They said that the Imran Khan had butchered the people of Pakistan worth its disastrous corruption and incompetence and the nation could not take this anymore. They also completely rejected the NAB Amendment Ordinance, the EVMs and Internet voting as steps based on mala fide intentions. They pledged to dismantle all efforts to steal elections and deprive the people from their constitutional right to elect a government of their choice in the Parliament. All conspiracies by the PTI government would be challenged inside and outside the Parliament, for which a through strategy had been devised.

The meeting gave the responsibility to form a strategy to PMLN President and National Assembly Opposition Leader Shehbaz Sharif who would create an action plan in consultation and consensus with all PDM parties.

The meeting also demanded strict action against those found guilty in Daska election rigging and said that the report proved that the votes were stolen, the staff was abducted.

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