Divided Duties

The recent criticism of Mohsin Naqvi for his role in overseeing Pakistan cricket is perhaps exaggerated, but it is not without merit. Naqvi, primarily tasked as the Interior Minister, is not solely responsible for the shortcomings of Pakistan cricket. However, his appointment as the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman raises legitimate concerns. The role demands full-time commitment and specialised expertise, and Naqvi’s dual responsibility as the Interior Minister and head of cricket oversight stretches his capacity too thin.

The PCB chairman must oversee team performance, address management issues, and ensure long-term strategies for Pakistan cricket. Balancing this alongside the enormous duties of a the most important federal ministry, particularly one involved in sensitive security matters such as those concerning Balochistan, does a disservice to both roles. One cannot effectively serve two masters, especially when both require undivided attention. Pakistan cricket needs a chairman with technical knowledge and experience in managing sporting institutions. Delegating the post to someone with the necessary expertise, rather than a political figure, would serve the sport better. Naqvi’s media appearances discussing cricket one day and national security the next underscore the absurdity of expecting him to excel in both roles.

Pakistan’s cricket administration needs stability and expert leadership to succeed, particularly when the sport holds such deep national significance. It is time for Naqvi to focus on his political duties, and for someone with the right skills to steer the PCB, ensuring the nation’s cricketing future is in capable hands.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt