NA passes bill to regulate protests in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD   -  The government in Friday’s national assembly proceedings approved ‘the Election Act Amendment Bill and the Peaceful Assembly and Public Order Bill,’ with majority under which Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Islamabad will grant permission for public rallies. Amid heavy sloganeering and protest by opposition members, the government side managed to get the bill passed, which has already been passed by the up-per house of the parliament.

The clauses of the bill say, “The Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Islamabad will grant permission for rallies. In case of rejection, an appeal can be made to the Chief Commissioner.” “The decision can be further challenged before the Interior Secretary. The government will designate specific areas for gatherings, which will be offi-cially notified,” according to the bill. For any public gathering in the federal capital, according to the procedures, the organizers must submit an application to the DC at least seven days in advance. The application must include details of the location, number of participants, and the event’s purpose. “The DC will have the authority to reject the re-quest, providing written reasons for doing so,” it says. According to the procedure, the DC will review the security situation and ob-tain clearance from law enforcement agencies.  “The DC can amend or revoke permissions based on national security risks, po-tential violence, or public safety concerns,” it says. It says, the administration will have the authority to disperse a gathering if it disrupts public order.  It further says those found guilty of violation could face up to three years in prison and fines and repeat offenders could be sentenced to up to 10 years. Earlier, Minister for Housing and Works Mian Riaz Hussain Pirzada assured the house to take steps towards accelerating work on Federal Government Employees Housing Authority’s projects, facing delays for a long time.  The House also offered fateha for those who sacrificed their lives for the defence and security of the country.

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