Pak Navy celebrates Defence and Martyrs Day

ISLAMABAD   -   Pakistan Navy Friday observed the Defence and Martyrs Day to com-memorate supreme sacrifices of the Armed Forces, Shuhada, Ghazis and national heroes who stood against the enemy with unparalleled display of unity and te-nacity during the 1965 Indo-Pak War. In his message on the occasion, Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Naveed Ash-raf paid homage to the Shuhada and Ghazis who repulsed blatant aggression of the enemy and foiled its nefarious designs with support of the people. The day displays the spirit of unity and sacrifice in the defence of the mother-land and glorifies the courageous heroes who were meticulous in their plan-ning, undaunted in their action and instilled fear in the hearts of our ene-my. The Admiral reiterated that the Navy stands vigilant and unfaltering in its commitment to defend maritime borders and secure vital sea routes which are the lifeline of our economy.

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