PHDEC hosts webinar on mango

KARACHI   -   Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Company (PHDEC) hosted a webinar on ‘Preparation of Mango Orchards for Next Crop by Effective Management Techniques’ the other day. The aim of the webinar was to discuss and enlighten the growers/farmers on good farming practices of mango for good quality and high yield. Target audiences of the webinar were processors, progressive growers, entrepreneurs and academia. Growers were mainly from Punjab and Sindh, as these provinces of country mainly contribute in mango production.

Mango is an evergreen tree grown under tropical and subtropical environments around the world. Pakistan is 5th largest mango producing country with annual production of approximately 1.8 million metric tons. Pakistan has 421000 acres of mango cultivated area. Though mango is grown throughout the country, its production is concentrated in Punjab and Sindh. Mango cultivation in the world is expanding due to the popularity of this fruit and ever-increasing demand for fresh and processed mango products. Hence, there is also a great potential to expand mango cultivation in Pakistan. However, a profitable mango industry depends on the production capacity of trees. Athar Hussain Khokhar, CEO of PHDEC, extended a warm welcome to the participants, providing valuable context on PHDEC’s instrumental role in the horticulture sector and its expansive mandate. Khokhar emphasized that PHDEC’s commitment remains steadfast in supporting initiatives that bolster the prosperity and well-being of horticulture cultivators and farmers. Dr Javed Iqbal from Mango Research Station (Shujabad) provided a detailed overview of mango orchards with special emphases related to effective management techniques of mango orchards for next crop. Iqbal suggested the mango growers to use proper irrigation, balanced used of fertilizer, insect pest management and proper pruning of mangoes plants.

Iqbal explained the reasons of low production in Pakistan and impact of malpractices and lack of knowledge of recommended production technology of mango on quality and yield. He also suggested that mango growers should adopt modern techniques of pruning. Arrangement of field days, seminars, lectures on pest management and demonstration of improved production technologies will improve overall condition of mango crop of Pakistan.

A large number of participants from growers, processors, exporters, and academia participated in the webinar and appreciated the PHDEC’s initiative of conducting the webinar.

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