Remember & Resolve

As we commemorated Pakistan’s 59th Defence Day this year, we pay tribute to the sacrifices made during the 1965 war, when our soldiers laid down their lives to defend the country’s sovereignty. Their bravery, immortalised in the nation’s history, serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength of our armed forces. Yet, as we look back, we must also acknowledge the present.

The war on our western border remains active. The recent attacks in Balochistan, where soldiers, policemen, and civilians continue to fall victim to violent extremism, show that the sacrifices of today’s martyrs mirror those of 1965. These ongoing assaults highlight a sobering truth—Pakistan is still fighting a war for its survival, though now, the battlefield has changed.

Honouring the legacy of our past is not enough. If we truly wish to pay homage to those who fought for this country, we must ensure their sacrifices were not in vain. Our response to the terrorists, both internal and external, must be unified. There can be no room for division in a battle that requires national cohesion. It is a grave disservice to those who laid down their lives if we falter in our resolve or splinter in the face of adversity.

This year’s Defence Day must serve as a call to action. The threat may look different from what it was in 1965, but the danger to our homeland remains just as potent. Let us remember, and let us stand firm against those who seek to harm us. Only then can we truly honour the sacrifices of the past and secure the future of our nation.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt