Seven teenagers held for drinking liquorlation

KANDHKOT                  -               Ghotki police, on late Thursday night, raided a restaurant which was running an illegal Sheesha Bar in its premises, and held seven teenagers while consuming li­quor and hookah. Addressing a press con­ference here, Ghotki Police Chief Dr Far­rukh Ali Lanjar said that a special team raided Ambassador Restaurant on a tip off, and caught seven teenagers, namely Sajid Ali, Mumtaz, Waqar, Zeeshan, Riaz Ali, Shahid and Amir Ali red handed while consuming alcohol and hookah. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) further said that six hookah, two bottles of wine, cash worth Rs 6,000, seven cell phones and other items being used for Sheesha smoking were recovered from their pos­session. He appealed to parents to keep an eye on their children and make it sure that they went straight to school after leaving their homes.


An oil tanker turned turtle within the ju­risdiction of B-section police station near grain market on Thull Road on Friday. Ac­cording to details, the tanker was carrying 60,000 liters of petrol, which spilled over onto the road owing to the accident.

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