Pakistan Chemical Forum concludes in Lahore

LAHORE   -  Three-day mega exhibition “Pakistan Chemical Forum” has concluded at Inter­national Expo Centre Lahore.

The Pakistan Chemistry Council and B2B Media (Pvt.) LTD organized the event which served as the biggest trade platform where 250+ foreign delegates joined to showcase chemicals, raw ma­terials, plants & machinery, analytical equipment and finished products. The show provided a platform for industry-academia linkage and also served as a milestone step for enhancing the ex­ports of Pakistan in general, and image building of beloved country at the inter­national level in particular.

A vast range of products from lo­cal and foreign companies from paint, footwear, construction, sealants, total lab solution providers for analytical instruments, consumables, testing ser­vices, textiles and various other sectors were displayed on 350 stalls. Seminars and conferences were part of this show where participants got a chance to at­tend presentations of key personnel from industry and academia. Work­shops and training in the show helped the professional and student bodies to enhance skills through learning, knowl­edge sharing, capacity building and in­teractive sessions. A ChemSMART was also part of this expo where new gradu­ates were provided opportunity to pres­ent their Innovative Ideas to the busi­ness leaders in the relevant field. LCCI president Kashif Anwar inaugurated the event last Monday. SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry vice president Anjum Nisar, LCCI president Kashif An­war and FPCCI regional chairman Zaki Aijaz were special guests at the conclud­ing ceremony. Pakistan Chemistry Coun­cil chairman and organizer of the event Moazzam Rasheed was also present.

Addressing the ceremony, they urged the government to provide enabling at­mosphere so that chemical sector could play its due role in the economic de­velopment. They said that such events would help bringing foreign investment in the country. They also suggested fo­cusing skill developing and exporting trained manpower for bringing much needed foreign exchange in the country. They said that the import substitution through local production and value ad­dition were key to overcome trade defi­cit. They also urged govt to take practical measures for setting up Naphtha Crack­er and allied industries in the country.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt